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Tama-Do Academy Logo

2060 Las Flores Canyon, Malibu, CA 90265 310-774-1307

RSVP for Tama-Do Academy
Level I Summer Intensive

_____Yes! I understand and accept the following Tama-Do Academy Policies:

  • t to participate in any Tama-Do class, workshop, etc. Tama-Do further reserves the right, at any time, to rescind the participation of any student in a class, workshop etc, with no refund, if the student is disruptive to the energy of the Teacher, the Teachings or the group.
  • Tama-Do Academy is PRO- ENERGY FIELD. This means that we are SMOKE FREE, PERFUME FREE, DRUG FREE and ALCOHOL FREE during as it affects the energy field. No hallucinogenic plants of any kind are allowed. Students must be clean and sober (alcohol, tobacco, recreational drugs and hallucinogenic plants) 3 months before a Tama-Do Training and during the entire course of the training - day and night - or they will be expelled immediately with no refund. Thank you to honor the energy field.
  • All Tama-Do Academy Trainings are Initiatique Teachings of the Light. This means we work to build a community of energy practitioners who are dedicated to the Light. We cultivate a culture of positivity and possibility in all that we do, to ground and express the Soul in the daily life. In order to achieve this fine, subtle vibration, and rise above our lower astral, social/emotional tendencies, we ask that everyone behaves in the highest consciousness of the Light.
    • _____No negative, critical or fear-based language and communication. Even if you think you are being loving by listening to the stories of trauma from your fellow classmates - don't go there. Please hold space for each of us to rise up, out of our lower astral, social/emotional tendencies. As spelled out in Shamanism of the Light by Terres Unsoeld, we work with Energy, Spirituality and Self Knowledge to free us of the gates in our lives and turn them into gifts!
  • During our intensives, it is easy to lose discernment and alignment. We are opening our emotional selves and we MUST BE IN A SAFE SPACE. When social/sexual behavior is added to energy work, projection, illusion, and disempowerment patterns can arise, without our awareness. To help us to stay in the Light, we ask that everyone follow basic social/sexual etiquette:
    • _____No sexually evocative or provocative behavior. This means gossip, sexual banter, body language, provocative and inappropriate clothing.
    • _____No sexual or intimate relations with fellow students during the 2 week training. No sex, physical or etheric intimacy (including but not limited to sleeping with each other or hugging for more than 3 seconds). Hold your fire until you go back home. Then decide if it's real or not.
    • _____Tama-Do Teachers are NOT ALLOWED to become intimately involved with their Tama-Do students. If a relationship forms between teacher and student, the student can no longer learn from the teacher. She/he can transfer to another teacher's care. This prevents unconscious disempowerment of the student, who is in an inequitable position, trying to have an equal relationship with someone who is not equal: his/her teacher.
  • During our intensives, life can get INTENSE. Energy work can create emotional, physical or mental discomfort. Please report to your teacher when you are out of balance.
    • ____ Are you taking prescription drugs? Please let us know what and what for. Energy work can amplify issues that you are dealing with, and the Tama-Do Teacher must be informed in order to help you to be safe.
    • ____ Please be aware that diet affects your energy field.
    • ____ We ask that you refrain from eating red meat and pork during the two weeks, as animal flesh heats the blood and lowers our vibration, which is not good for Energy work.
    • ____ Please try to refrain from sugar during the trainings, as sugar makes us emotional and unfocused.
    • ____ If you are vegetarian or vegan, it is important that you get enough protein in your diet. Discuss this with us before your arrival so that we can speak to the chef. Energy work spaces you out, and protein helps to ground you. We offer chicken, fish, eggs, cheese or tofu as forms of protein.
    • ____Be aware of how much caffeine you drink. Being overly "amped" is not useful during energy sessions.

    _____YES! I understand the Certification process of Tama-Do Academy:

    To become a Tama-Do Certified Practitioner, I must (ticking the boxes indicates that I understand the steps and does not bind me to take the steps.)

    • Take all 9 Level I Courses which are included in the Intensive.
      • Take the Level I Review which is not included in the Intensive.
  • Fulfill the Tama-Do Practice Protocol which includes handing in 50 client sessions PRIOR to the Level I Test. The Practice Protocol consists of:
    • Practice the Tao Yin Fa® or Zhi Neng Qi Gong every day.
    • Deepen my understanding of the Tama-Do Teachings and Techniques by studying the Tama-Do books by Fabien Maman: The Tao of Sound and Musique of the Sky; and Terres Unsoeld: Accessing the Way of the Soul through Color, Shamanism of the Light, Initiatique Trees of the Light - and The Noble Hero's Journey to the Light - 8 movies of inspirational/spiritual teachings of the Light.
    • Be “in the field” of the Tama-Do work. Embrace compassion, understanding and good will in my daily practice. Be open and willing to learn.
    • Be “on the path” of the Higher Consciousness, which is necessary to further the vibrational work of the Academy... This means furthering self awareness through additional practice such as Qi Gong, Tai Chi, meditation, reading, music, art, etc...
    • Practice Aikido of Life. Be Light.
  • Successfully pass the Level I Test
  • Take Level II Summer Intensive only offered once a year in Europe.
  • Sign the Tama-Do Student Code of Ethics and Conduct
  • Sign the Level I and II RSVP Contracts with the Academy, as well as the Level I and II Registration forms.
  • Tama-Do Certified Practitioners are given the following privileges:

    • 150 word bio, photo and contact information placed on the Tama-Do website.
    • Client referrals from Tama-Do Academy.
    • Use of the Tama-Do logo.
    • Tama-Do Practitioner Brochure®, with Tama-Do Logo and description of the Tama-Do Techniques, which contains personal bio, photo and contact information for promotional use.
    • Tama-Do Practitioner Business Cards, with Tama-Do Logo.
    • 30% off books, CDs and essences.
    • Special access to Fabien and Terres.
    • Contact with other Certified Tama-Do Practitioners around the world via zoom and special gatherings.

    To retain my Tama-Do Practitioner Certification Status, I must "stay in the energy field" by returning once a year for a Tama-Do Training, Master Class or Shamanic Journey.

    To take Level II without becoming a Tama-Do Certified Practitioner I must:

    • take the 9 Level I Courses plus The Musique of the Sky and/or The Noble Hero's Journey Workshop.

    _____YES! I understand and accept the following Tama-Do Academy Cancellation Policies:

    • _____Product is non refundable and non returnable.
    • _____Cancellation Policy for Workshops with local teachers:
      Before 4 weeks prior to the start date: Full refund minus the deposit. 4 weeks or less from start date:
    • _____Cancellation Policy for Europe Workshops with Terres Unsoeld or Fabien Maman: Before 12 weeks prior to start date: full refund minus deposit. Less than 12 weeks prior to start date: No refunds.
    • _____For students on payment plans - there are no cancellations and no refunds allowed. The full payment is due, whether you come or not.
    • _____Cancellation Policy for Shamanic Journeys: NO REFUNDS

    Signature of Agreement______________________________________________

    Printed Name______________________________________DATE____________

    ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________

    CITY ___________________________ STATE __________________________


    COUNTRY CODE ____________

    COUNTRY _____________________________________

    PHONE ____________________________

    EMAIL ____________________________________

    For Astrology:

    DATE OF BIRTH _______________

    PLACE OF BIRTH ____________________________

    TIME OF BIRTH ________________

    In case of emergency please notify the following: (include address and phone number)



    I have dietary restrictions, which are:


    I understand that the Center might be unable to fulfill my dietary restrictions
    without additional payment from me.


    Snoring: I understand that if I am a snorer, it is my responsibility to make efforts to not disturb others around me. Actions I might be required to take include but are not limited to paying for a private room, sleeping in a tent, or ensuring that my roommate is not disturbed by me.


    PAYMENT for
    Tama-Do Academy Level I Summer Intensive

    • _____I have paid the Early bird price of 4000 euro, paid in full by cash, check or wire by Dec 31, 2021. I understand the Early Bird is non refundable. Wire transfer fees must be reimbursed.
    • _____I agree to pay the Normal price of 4500 euro paid in full by cash, check or wire by . Wire transfer fees must be reimbursed.
    • _____I understand that all FEEs cover tuition, food, lodging and the LVL I workbook. Not included is transportation to and from the center and the Tama-Do tools.
    • _____I have made a special payment plan with the Academy.
    • _____I understand that my payment plan is non-cancelable and non refundable. If I do cancel my trip, I will still owe the monies as spelled out in the payment plan.
    • _____I agree to the terms of my payment plan and will honor the plan.
    • _____ Sign me up for the AlpyBus which will pick students up at Geneva airport on the Swiss side at 11 am on June 10.

    Signature of Agreement______________________________________________

    Printed Name________________________________________________


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© Tama-Do Academy - All Rights Reserved.

Please contact us for registration and additional information:

In the United States:
Fax: 310-456-5664
or email:
Outside the United States:


Tama-Do Academy is an international school with its home based in the United States of America. We follow all law under the United States jurisdiction. In cases of dispute, it is the English website which the Academy adheres to and finds binding, for all current protocols, rules and procedures of the Academy, and from which all other translated pages (French, Spanish and German) must follow.