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Dear Tama-Do Students, Friends and Family,

During the year of 2020-2021, as the world faced global challenge, Fabien Maman turned to his piano to offer peace and harmony to the world.

He created piano improvisations on the astrological themes of the 72 Angels of the Kabbalah, based on his musical research described in his book, The Musique of the Sky.

These musical pieces are not written. Fabien is reading an astrological chart for each Angel, upon which he has placed the musical notes which correspond to the planets and stars in the Zodiaque.

When you hear dissonance, it is a squared aspect in the chart. (These pieces are based on the planetary theme of 2020-2021 - so yes! there is some dissonance!)

Fabien starts out each piece by playing the notes simply of each planet and star, and then slowly harmonizes all the luminaries in the chart.

Each improvisation is recorded only once with no rehearsal. You will see Fabien searching for the spirit of the Angel, find her, and then channel a beautifully powerful piece of Musique of the Sky!

This form of musique is lovingly explained in Fabien Maman and Terres Unsoeld's book, MUSIQUE OF THE SKY.

May the world be filled with Divine Light, Peace and Healing to us all!

Love and Light,
Terres and Fabien
Tama-Do Academy

21 to 25 March
0 - 5º Aries


VEHUIAH the 1st Angel of Aries, (0°- 5°) watches over those born around March 21-25.

VEHUIAH is a Fire Angel who belongs to the Choir of Seraphim in the hierarchy of Kether and who works with the forces of Hokhmah in the Sephirotic Tree.

VEHUIAH is an Angel of EXALTATION! She expresses Divine Light through action! (and a little bossa nova rhythm!)

Fabien Maman's musique of VEHUIAH is sensitivity in action under the influence of Divine Fire. Her rhythmic impulse lifts us up until we reach the secret heart in the sky.

26 to 30 March
5°- 10° Aries


YELIEL the 2nd Angel of Aries, (5°- 10°) watches over those born around March 26-30.

YELIEL is a Fire Angel who belongs to the Choir of Seraphim in the hierarchy of Kether and who works with the forces of Binah in the Sephirotic Tree.

YELIEL is an Angel internalized Peace and Harmony. She brings Peace in times of conflict and injustice.

Fabien Maman's musique of YELIEL is beautiful and up-lifting. She eludes nostalgia by rising in the air in a joyful cascade of crystalline notes. Hopeful and Healing, YELIEL's musique opens our hearts to the anticipation of Spring and a new year! The piece ends with the tiniest hint of nostalgia. It's absolutely beautiful!

31 Mars to 4 April
10 to 15º Aries

April 5 to 9
15 to 20º Aries


ELEMIAH, the 4th Angel of Aries, (15°- 20°) watches over those born around April 5-9.

May the fire of ELEMIAH lift your Souls to the Sky ~ high above the catastrophes of today ~ to prepare for the coming of a new age tomorrow!

FABIEN MAMAN's blending of musique and astrology is lovingly expressed in his book, Musique of the Sky, which was co-written by Terres Unsoeld.

Fabien and Terres offer their creative gifts in service to the Light through Tama-Do, The Academy of Sound, Color and Movement.

April 10 to 14
20 to 25º Aries


MAHASIAH, the 5th Angel of Aries, (21°- 25°) watches over those born around April 10-15.

Use this recording to go deep into meditation to touch the spirit of the Angel.

Try to listen with no ear buds or head phones so that the music can wash over your aura!

MAHASIAH is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of the Seraphim in the hierarchy of Kether. She works with Tiferet, in the Sephirotic Tree, to bring Peace, Harmony and Joy! to the world.

NOTE: in this piece, we have inserted Fabien's notes on Mahasiah's astrological chart. Those of you who are musicians will be fascinated with how Fabien is playing the chart!

April 15 to 20
25 to 30º Aries


LELAHEL, the 6th Angel of Aries, (26°- 30°) watches over those born around April 15-20.

LELAHEL is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of the Seraphim in the hierarchy of Kether. She works with Netzach in the Sephirotic Tree, to bring Love, Creativity and HEALING to the world.

Feel the Light energy of LELAHEL!

NOTE: For those of you who follow Fabien's music, you will recognize his musical theme, Elle est Fleche dans le Vent (the arrow in the Wind), which he plays with inside LELAHEL's chart.

Very beautiful and uplifting for an Aries Angel!

This form of musique is lovingly explained in Fabien Maman and Terres Unsoeld's book, MUSIQUE OF THE SKY.

April 21 to 25
0 to 5º Taurus


ACHAIAH, the 1st Angel of Taurus, (1°- 5°) watches over those born around April 20 - 25.

ACHAIAH is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of the Seraphim in the hierarchy of Kether. She is the Master of Patience, working with Hod, in the Sephirotic Tree, to bring Wisdom and Knowledge in the Heart of Nature.

ACHAIAH is an Earth Angel, as we are now entering into the energy of Taurus. Unlike her fiery Sisters of Aries, ACHAIAH takes time to observe. She slowly builds her Way to the Light - enjoying the power of the Earth to support her. She gets to where she wants to go!

April 26 to 30
5 to 10 Taurus


CAHETEL, the 2nd Angel of Taurus, (6°- 10°) watches over those born around April 25 - 30.

CAHETEL is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of the Seraphim in the hierarchy of Kether. She works with Yesod, in the Sephirotic Tree, obtaining blessings of God through the Devas of Nature.

CAHETEL gently inspires us to Rise up! and celebrate the gifts of being alive on Mother Earth.

If you listen through to 5 minutes into the piece, little creatures pop out of the forest, dancing with joy. All is well with CAHETEL!

Fabien gives you a peak of the astrological chart of CAHETEL (for 2020). Many have been wondering how he plays the music!

May 1 to 5
10 to 15 º Taurus


HAZIEL, the 3rd Angel of Taurus, (11°- 15°) watches over those born around May 1 - 5.

HAZIEL is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of the Cherubim in the hierarchy of Hokhmah. She works with Hokhmah, in the Sephirotic Tree, inspiring the Grace of God in the hearts of the people.

This is a gentle piece... a meditative piece. Close your eyes and let the gentle harmonics of HAZIEL wash over you.

May 6 to 10
15 to 20 º Taurus


ALADIAH, the 4th Angel of Taurus, (15°- 20°) watches over those born around May 6 - 10.

ALADIAH is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of the Cherubim in the hierarchy of Hokhmah. She works with Binah in the Sephirotic Tree, bringing Light to all difficult experiences of the Past.

ALADIAH has healing powers that have been used against the plague and dis-ease both physical and moral.

Close your eyes and hum along to the rhythm of the musique. You might be blessed with the presence of ALADIAH.

May 11 to 15
20 to 25 º Taurus


LAUVIAH, the 5th Angel of Taurus, (21°- 25°) watches over those born around May 11-15.

LAUVIAH is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of the Cherubim in the Hierarchy of Hokhmah and works with Hesed in the Sephirotic Tree.

LAUVIAH is the channel of creative power of the primordial Source of Light.

LAUVIAH caught Fabien by surprise. She started coming in before we had time to set up the cameras!

We added beautiful video footage (filmed by Julian Melanson) from TERRES UNSOELD'S 2 movies, BIRTH and FAERY MAGIQUE: A NOBLE HERO'S JOURNEY TO THE LIGHT.

May 16 to 20
25 to 30 º Taurus


AHAHIAH, the 6th Angel of Taurus, (25°- 30°) watches over those born around May 16 - 20.

AHAHIAH is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of the Cherubim in the hierarchy of Hokhmah, and who works with Geburah in the Sephirotic Tree.

BEWARE! AHAHIAH is not for everyone! She is an Angel who creates Harmony by exposing Disharmony.

There is a lot of dissonance in this piece!

Those of you with birthdays at this time have a huge sense of what is right and what is wrong. You are willing to go to battle for the higher cause of the Light - yet prefer to rise up with monsters dreams that can help the world to be a better place.

Watch how Fabien smoothes the most dissonant passages. You have to have a sense of humor

May 21 to 25
0 to 5 º Gemini


YEZALEL, the 1st Angel of Gemini, (1°- 5°) watches over those born around May 21 - 26.

YEZALEL is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of the Seraphim in the hierarchy of Hokhmah and who works with Tiferet in the Sephirotic Tree.

YEZALEL is an Air Angel, as we are now entering into the energy of Gemini! Unlike her Taurean sisters, YEZALEL helps us to breathe! and when we breathe, we fly into our dreams!

YEZALEL is a soft Angel who brings friendship and love to Earth and Sky.

When all that is Above and that which is Below converge,
everything in life is simple.

May 26 to 31
5 to 10 º Gemini


MEBAHEL, the 2nd Angel of Gemini, (6°-10°) watches over those born around May 26 - 31.

MEBAHEL is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of the Seraphim in the hierarchy of Hokhmah and who works with Netzach in the Sephirotic Tree.

MEBAHEL is an Angel of fluidity and freedom. She seeks Truth in the Light!

MEBAHEL's musique is airy and Light. There is NO DISSONANCE!

A necessary breeze in these challenging times.

She fills us with Light and hope. We fly over challenge on the wings of a prayer.

June 1 to 5
10 to 15 º Gemini


HARIEL, the 3rd Angel of Gemini, (10°-15°) watches over those born around June 1-5.

HARIEL is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of the Seraphim in the hierarchy of Hokhmah and who works with Hod in the Sephirotic Tree.

HARIEL is an Angel of Spiritual Purity. Through Science and the Arts she expresses the Light.

This musique is like a deep prayer emanating from the Soul.

We feel the wings of HARIEL as she flies above us, offering sanctuary for us all.

Meditate with the musique of HARIEL and feel the Grace of God.

June 6 to 10
15 to 20 º Gemini


HEKAMIAH, the 4th Angel of Gemini, (15°-20°) watches over those born around June 6-10.

HEKAMIAH is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of the Seraphim in the hierarchy of Hokhmah and who works with Yesod in the Sephirotic Tree.

HEKAMIAH is pure Gemini - joyfully spraying out in all directions! Victorious and free from all oppression!

If you are born under the influence of HEKAMIAH, your are truthful, loyal and courageous.

HEKAMIAH infuses vitality with all possibility to create a better world!

June 11 to 15 or 16
20 to 25 º Gemini

June 16 to 21
25 to 30 º Gemini


CALIEL, the 6th Angel of Gemini, (25°-30°) watches over those born around June 16-21.

CALIEL is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of Thrones in the hierarchy of Binah and who works only with Binah in the Sephirotic Tree.

CALIEL is an Angel of high Morality. She reveals Justice and Truth in the Light.

Fabien's musique of Caliel is free-form -- a true Gemini piece - weaving several themes at once. The multi-dimensionality makes us curious to dream.

June 22 to 26
0 to 5 º Cancer


LEUVIAH, the 1st Angel of Cancer, (1°- 5°) watches over those born around June 22 - 26.

LEUVIAH is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of the Thrones in the hierarchy of Binah and who works with Hesed in the Sephirotic Tree.

LEUVIAH is a Water Angel, as we are now entering into the energy of Cancer. Unlike the airy musique of the Gemini Angels, Fabien Maman's musique of the Cancer Angels take us into a deep and meditative state.


EUVIAH is an Angel of Intelligence and Humor. She reminds us to tread Lightly on our Path.

Meditate with LEUVIAH's musique and hear her calling. Go deep. Be at Peace.

June 27 to July 1
5 to 10 º Cancer


PAHALIAH, the 2nd Angel of Cancer, (5°- 10°) watches over those born around June 27-July 1.

PAHALIAH is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of the Thrones in the hierarchy of Binah and who works with the forces of Geburah in the Sephirotic Tree.

PAHALIAH is an Angel of Theology and Morality. She has the ability to express Truth through her speech. She helps us to convey outwardly what we feel, hidden, within.

PAHALIAH shines down on those with a Devotional Path.

Her musique is gentle and Light with soothing overtones. Feel at peace again.

July 2 to 6
10 to 15 º Cancer


NELCHAEL, the 3rd Angel of Cancer, (10°- 15°) watches over those born around July 2 - 6.

NELCHAEL is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of the Thrones in the hierarchy of Binah and who works with the forces of Tiferet in the Sephirotic Tree.

NELCHAEL is an Angel of Abstract Ideas. She inspires Poetry and Science.

People born under the influence of NELCHAEL will love abstract science such as astronomy, mathematics and sacred geometry, as well as high literature and poetry. NELCHAEL encourages us to go to the roots of our Lineage, to know who we are.

NELCHAEL'S musique gives space to go into the depths of things. Meditate with NELCHAEL and feel yourself in a spiral, pulling from the energy field of the Sky to land in the deep of the Seas.

July 7 to 11
15 to 20 º Cancer


YEYALEL, the 4th Angel of Cancer, (15°- 20°) watches over those born around July 7 - 11.

YEYALEL is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of the Thrones in the hierarchy of Binah and who works with the forces of Netzach in the Sephirotic Tree.

YEYALEL is an Angel of Inner Beauty. She inspires Unity with the reflection of God.

YEYALEL's musique is lyrical, soft and loving. She inspires us to dream of a future filled with Peace and Harmony.


July 12 to 16
20 to 25º Cancer


MELAHEL, the 5th Angel of Cancer, (20°- 25°) watches over those born around July 12 - 16.

MELAHEL is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of the Thrones in the hierarchy of Binah and who works with the forces of Hod in the Sephirotic Tree.

MELAHEL is an Angel of Faith and Clairvoyance. She works with the Faeries to Heal the World.

MELAHEL's musique is sparkly and expansive - uplifting in a tender way.

We feel well within ourselves and with the world.

July 17 to 22
25 to 30 º Cancer


HAEUIAH, the 6th Angel of Cancer, (25°- 30°) watches over those born around July 17-22.

HAEUIAH is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of the Thrones in the hierarchy of Binah and who works with the forces of Yesod in the Sephirotic Tree.

HAEUIAH is an Angel of Mercy. She helps us to find Sanctuary from within.

HAEUIAH's musique is deeply internal - like the heartbeat of the Ocean.

With Hebraic overtones, HAEUIAH's musique is a far away calling - to another place and time.

Fabien Maman is offering meditations for all 72 Angels of the Kabbalah.

These pieces, as you see them, are not written. Fabien is reading an astrological chart for each Angel, upon which he has placed the musical notes which correspond to the planets and stars in the Zodiaque. When you hear dissonance, it is a squared aspect in the chart.

Fabien starts out each piece by playing the notes simply of each planet and star, and then slowly harmonizes all the luminaries in the chart. Each improvisation is recorded only once with no rehearsal. You will see Fabien searching for the spirit of the Angel, find her, and then channel a beautifully powerful piece of Musique of the Sky!

This form of musique is lovingly explained in Fabien Maman and Terres Unsoeld's book, MUSIQUE OF THE SKY.

July 23 to 27
0 to 5 º Leo


NITH-HAIAH, the 1st Angel of Leo, (1°- 5°) watches over those born around July 23 - 27.

NITH-HAIAH is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of Dominations in the hierarchy of Binah and who works with the forces of Hokhmah in the Sephirotic Tree.

The Choir of Dominations are Angel Warriors. NITH-HAIAH is a Fire Angel, as we are now entering into the energy of Leo. And yet, unlike the fiery musique of the Aries Angels, Fabien Maman's musique of the Leo Angels take us into a place where hidden power is always present - through the subtle and loving presence of the Angels. Hope rises up from the depths of our Soul. Divine Power is expressed as Compassion and Love.

NITH-HAIAH is an Angel of Spiritual Force. Her Eternal Will leads us to the Glory of Paradise.

Fabien Maman's musique for NITH-HAIAH is internal. He goes against the classic Leo stereotype of passion and power. This musique leads us to our Paradise within.

July 28 to August 1
5 to 10 º Leo


HAAIAH, the 2nd Angel of Leo, (5°- 10°) watches over those born around July 28-August 1.

HAAIAH is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of Dominations in the hierarchy of Hesed and who works with the forces of Binah in the Sephirotic Tree.

HAAIAH is an Angel of Social and Spiritual Justice. She is a Warrior of the Light. She carves out space for our inner Divinity to shine.

August 2 to 6
10 to 15 º Leo


YERATHEL, the 3rd Angel of Leo, (10°- 15°) watches over those born around August 2-6.

YERATHEL is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of Dominations in the hierarchy of Hesed and who also works with the forces of Hesed in the Sephirotic Tree.

YERATHEL is an Angel of Unifying Intelligence. She inspires Spiritual Morality in all that we do.

YERATHEL, classically, is an Angel of morality and structure. Fabien Maman's Light hand gives us a Light, airy touch. What is the highest form of morality, after all? Not judgement and righteousness. But Love. Only LOVE.

The fires of Leo in Fabien's musique of YERATHEL is like a summer's day. We feel ourselves running free through the fields of flowers of our best memories.

August 7 to 12
15 to 20 º Leo


SEHEIAH, the 4th Angel of Leo, (15°- 20°) watches over those born around August 7-12.

SEHEIAH is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of Dominations in the hierarchy of Hesed and who works with the forces of Geburah in the Sephirotic Tree.

SEHEIAH is an Angel of Calm inside the storm. She protects against fires, storms and disease.

SEHEIAH expresses both intense action and deep peace within. There is no duality in these extremes. We need action to confront a situation, and we cannot solve the situation we confront until we have achieved a deep peace within. Once calm is established, extraordinary things can happen!

Fabien Maman's musique of SEHEIAH once again turns the Leo fire into inner Light.

August 13 to 17
20 to 25 º Leo


REYIEL, the 5th Angel of Leo, (20°- 25°) watches over those born around August 13-17.

REYIEL is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of Dominations in the hierarchy of Hesed and who works with the forces of Tiferet in the Sephirotic Tree.

REYIEL is an Angel of Internal Truth. Her wisdom is expressed by action rather than the word.

Fabien Maman's musique of REYIEL is rhythmic and dynamic. There is an inner grandeur. We feel uplifted and victorious - filled with the Golden Light of Leo.

August 18 to 22
25 to 30 º Leo


OMAEL, the 6th Angel of Leo, (25°- 30°) watches over those born around August 18-22.

OMAEL is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of Dominations in the hierarchy of Hesed and who works with the forces of Netzach in the Sephirotic Tree.

OMAEL is an Angel of Creation. She plants the fire of the Sky in the seeds of the Earth.

Fabien Maman's musique of OMAEL, like all his Leo Angel Musique, expresses hope that rises from the depths of our Soul. We learn to use power with Compassion and Love.

August 23 to 28
- 0 to 5 º Virgo


LECABEL, the 1st Angel of Virgo, (0°- 5°) watches over those born around August 23-28.

LECABEL is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of Dominions in the hierarchy of Hesed and who works with the forces of Hod in the Sephirotic Tree.

LECABEL is an Earth Angel of practicality. She loves the Universal Sciences and the Nature.

Fabien Maman's musique of LECABEL, as he shifts into Virgo Angel Musique, is gentle and Light, with an inner depth. We can hear the high trill of the faeries in the Nature, yet never forgot the steady heartbeat of the left hand drone - the steady rhythm of our Soul.

August 29 to Sept 2
5 to 10 º Virgo


VASARIAH, the 2nd Angel of Virgo, (5°- 10°) watches over those born around August 29 - September 2.

VASARIAH is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of Dominions in the hierarchy of Hesed and who works with the forces of Yesod in the Sephirotic Tree.

VASARIAH is an Earth Angel of Right Action. Just and True, she crafts her Path of happy memories.

Fabien Maman's musique of VASARIAH, following his Virgo Angel theme, is gentle and Light, with an inner depth. VASARIAH frolics through the mud puddles in an endlessly optimistic way.

September 3 to 7
10 to 15 º Virgo


YEHUIAH, the 3rd Angel of Virgo, (10°- 15°) watches over those born around September 3-7.

YEHUIAH is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of Powers in the hierarchy of Geburah and who works with the forces of Hokhmah in the Sephirotic Tree.

YEHUIAH is an Earth Angel who "knows all things." She carries within her the power of the Divine Plan.

Fabien Maman's musique of YEHUIAH follows his Virgo Angel Musique thread: gentle and Light, with an inner depth. Fabien's YEHUIAH is filled with Golden Light - skipping through the dissonance - determined to rise up.

September 8 to 12
15 to 20 º Virgo


LEHAHIAH, the 4th Angel of Virgo, (15°- 20°) watches over those born around September 8-12.

LEHAHIAH is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of Powers in the hierarchy of Geburah and who works with the forces of Binah in the Sephirotic Tree.

LEHAHIAH is a gentle Earth Angel. She offers peace to those who cling to the past.

Fabien Maman's musique of LEHAHIAH follows his Virgo Angel Musique thread: gentle and Light, with an inner depth.

His LEHAHIAH musique is soft and warm - a little nostalgic - as she rides the wave to the Light.

September 13 to 17
20 to 25 º Virgo


CHAVAKIAH, the 5th Angel of Virgo, (20°- 25°) watches over those born around September 13-17.

CHAVAKIAH is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of Powers in the hierarchy of Geburah and who works with the forces of Binah in the Sephirotic Tree.

CHAVAKIAH is an Earth Angel of reconciliation. She brings peace and harmony to the family.

Fabien Maman's musique of CHAVAKIAH follows his Virgo Angel Musique thread: gentle and Light, with an inner depth


His CHAVAKIAH musique is delicate, loving and shining. He follows CHAVAKIAH's lead as she reaches out to her extended family - eager to inspire.

September 18 to 23
25 to 30 º Virgo


MENADEL, the 6th Angel of Virgo, (25°- 30°) watches over those born around September 18-23.

MENADEL is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of Powers in the hierarchy of Geburah and who also works with the forces of Geburah in the Sephirotic Tree.

MENADEL is an Earth Angel of Spiritual Repatriation. She helps exiles to find their way Home.

Fabien Maman's musique of MENADEL follows his Virgo Angel Musique thread: gentle and Light, with an inner depth.

His MENDAEL musique, with mellow tones smoothing the dissonance, reminds us of better times - and to pay attention - to wake up to the Light that is within!

September 24 to 28
0 to 5 º Libra


ANIEL, the 1st Angel of Libra, (0°- 5°) watches over those born around September 24-28.

ANIEL is an Air Angel who belongs to the Choir of Powers in the hierarchy of Geburah and who works with the forces of Tiferet in the Sephirotic Tree.

ANIEL is an Angel of Virtue. She inspires philosophers in their meditation. Fabien Maman's musique of ANIEL transitions to a Libra Angel Musique theme: airy and rhythmic - spiraling around dissonance in a flash.

His ANIEL musique flies free with a vibrant rhythm that keeps us one step ahead of the chaos.

Sept. 29 to Oct 3
5 to 10 º Libra


HAAMIAH, the 2nd Angel of Libra, (5°- 10°) watches over those born around September 9 - October 3.

HAAMIAH is an Air Angel who belongs to the Choir of Powers in the hierarchy of Geburah and who works with the forces of Netzach in the Sephirotic Tree.

HAAMIAH is an Angel of Hope. She inspires us to practice an exalted Spiritual Life.

Fabien Maman's musique of HAAMIAH follows his Libra Angel motif : airy and rhythmic - spiraling around dissonance in a flash.

His HAAMIAH musique has driving rhythm that shatters the dissonance with a smile.

October 4 to 8
10 to 15 º Libra


REHAEL, the 3rd Angel of Libra, (10°- 15°) watches over those born around October 4-8.

REHAEL is an Air Angel who belongs to the Choir of Powers in the hierarchy of Geburah and who works with the forces of Hod in the Sephirotic Tree.

REHAEL is an Angel of Blessing. She revitalizes our belief in the Light within.

Fabien Maman's musique of REHAEL follows his Libra Angel motif : airy and rhythmic - spiraling around dissonance in a flash.

His REHAEL musique is deep and soaring - spreading her wings for us to fly to distant lands of Light.

October 9 to 13
15 to 20 º Libra


YEIAZEL, the 4th Angel of Libra, (15°- 20°) watches over those born around October 9-13.

YEIAZEL is an Air Angel who belongs to the Choir of Powers in the hierarchy of Geburah and who works with the forces of Yesod in the Sephirotic Tree.

YEIAZEL is an Angel of Joy. She deLights in every living thing!

Fabien Maman's musique of YEIAZEL follows his Libra Angel motif : airy and rhythmic - spiraling around dissonance in a flash.

His YEIAZEL musique pirouettes on top of dissonance - laughing with glee and frolicking in the sky. Yes, there is a depth beneath. All joy has the memory of the journey.

October 14 to 18
20 to 30 º Libra


HAHAEL, the 5th Angel of Libra, (20°- 24°) watches over those born around October 14-18.

HAHAEL is an Air Angel who belongs to the Choir of Virtues in the hierarchy of Tiferet and who works with the forces of Hokhmah in the Sephirotic Tree.

HAHAEL is an Angel of the Trinity, guiding those devoted to the Love-Wisdom of the Divine.

Fabien Maman's musique of HAHAEL follows his Libra Angel motif : airy and rhythmic - spiraling around dissonance in a flash.

His HAHAEL musique starts as a gentle calling - circular in motion; then rises up in celebration. There is beauty and poetry in this piece, celebrating the sublime wisdom of Hokhmah and the mysteries of the Universe.

October 19 to 23
25 to 30 º Libra


MIKAEL, the 6th Angel of Libra, (25°- 30°) watches over those born around October 19-23.

MIKAEL is an Air Angel who belongs to the Choir of Virtues in the hierarchy of Tiferet and who works with the forces of Binah in the Sephirotic Tree.

MIKAEL is an Angel Virtue. She helps those in service to the Creator's Plan.

Fabien Maman's musique of MIKAEL follows his Libra Angel motif : airy and rhythmic - spiraling around dissonance in a flash.

His MIKAEL musique is soft and gentle with a thrill of the Beauty of Life. We find ourselves dancing with joy amongst the stars - celebrating in the Sacred Circle of Light.

October 24 to 28
- 0 to 5º Scorpio


VEULIAH, the 1st Angel of Scorpio, (0°- 5°) watches over those born around October 24-28.

VEULIAH is a Water Angel who belongs to the Choir of Virtues in the hierarchy of Tiferet and who works with the forces of Hesed in the Sephirotic Tree.

VEULIAH is an Angel of Peace. She strengthens those who have lost their Way.

Fabien Maman's musique of VEULIAH transitions to his Scorpio Angel theme. Scorpio Angels work with deep internalization. The musique penetrates slowly, beneath the external fire.

VEULIAH's musique starts slowly to express the hidden Truth of her Soul. She perseveres... traversing some dissonance... to finally achieve Harmony.

October 29 to Nov 2
5 to 10 º Scorpio


YELAHIAH, the 2nd Angel of Scorpio, (5°- 10°) watches over those born around October 29 - November 2.

YELAHIAH is a Water Angel who belongs to the Choir of Virtues in the hierarchy of Tiferet and who works with the forces of Geburah in the Sephirotic Tree.

YELAHIAH is an Angel of Eternity. She helps us to pass through Harmony and Sacrifice.

Fabien Maman's musique of YELAHIAH follows his Scorpio Angel theme. Scorpio Angels work with deep internalization. The musique penetrates slowly, beneath the external fire.

YELAHIAH musique starts as an etheral musical scale that pushes all boundaries - like fishing for Truth behind the veil... We feel the musical language emanate from the depth and finishing in a quiet, inner Joy.

November 3 to 7
10 to 15 º Scorpio


SEALIAH, the 3rd Angel of Scorpio, (10°- 15°) watches over those born around November 3-7.

SEALIAH is a Water Angel who belongs to the Choir of Virtues in the hierarchy of Tiferet and who also works with the forces of Tiferet in the Sephirotic Tree.

SEALIAH is an Angel of Inspiration. She helps us to express the Glory of the Great Work.

Fabien Maman's musique of SEALIAH follows his Scorpio Angel theme. Scorpio Angels work with deep internalization. The musique penetrates slowly, beneath the external fire.

SEALIAH musique starts with a rich harmony always exploring the hidden depth which brings joy and accomplishment through the complexity of the chords.

November 8 to 12
15 to 20 º Scorpio


ARIEL, the 4th Angel of Scorpio, (15°- 20°) watches over those born around November 8-12.

ARIEL is a Water Angel who belongs to the Choir of Virtues in the hierarchy of Tiferet and who works with the forces of Netzach in the Sephirotic Tree.

ARIEL is an Angel of Revelation. She reveals the secrets of the God in the Nature.

Fabien Maman's musique of ARIEL follows his Scorpio Angel theme. Scorpio Angels work with deep internalization. The musique penetrates slowly, beneath the external fire.

ARIEL's musique has chords that tumble from a cascade, entering into the deep of the "Scorpio secret" of the imagination, to finally reach the peace of the inner joy.

November 13 to 17
20 to 25 º Scorpio


ASALIAH, the 5th Angel of Scorpio, (20°- 25°) watches over those born around November 13-17.

ASALIAH is a Water Angel who belongs to the Choir of Virtues in the hierarchy of Tiferet and who works with the forces of Hod in the Sephirotic Tree.

ASALIAH is an Angel of Spiritual Truth. She teaches us the power of Light through Love.

Fabien Maman's musique of ASALIAH follows his Scorpio Angel theme. Scorpio Angels work with deep internalization. The musique penetrates slowly, beneath the external fire.

ASALIAH's musique has the agility of her musical notes that flow like her quick silver mind ~ looking for wonder in the middle of the expression of the vibration.

November 18 to 22
25 to 30 º Scorpio


MIHAEL, the 6th Angel of Scorpio, (25°- 30°) watches over those born around November 18-22.

MIHAEL is a Water Angel who belongs to the Choir of Virtues in the hierarchy of Tiferet and who works with the forces of Yesod in the Sephirotic Tree.

MIHAEL is an Angel of Fidelity. She helps to bring Peace and Unity in couples

Fabien Maman's musique of MIHAEL follows his Scorpio Angel theme. Scorpio Angels work with deep internalization. The musique penetrates slowly, beneath the external fire.

MIHAEL's musique is full of secrets which uncover as it unfolds. Behind the secret chord unveils the unknown of the wonder of this sophisticated Angel. We can feel her tenacity behind her complex Harmony!

November 23 to 27
0 to 5º Sagittarius


VEHUEL, the 1st Angel of Sagittarius, (0°- 5°) watches over those born around November 23-27.

VEHUEL is a Fire Angel who belongs to the Choir of Principalities in the hierarchy of Netzach and who works with the forces of Hokhmah in the Sephirotic Tree.

VEHUEL is an Angel who glorifies God. Her fire power pushes us toward a higher mission.

Fabien Maman's musique of VEHUEL follows his Sagittarius Angel theme. Sagittarius Angels have determination and inner steadiness. We feel the depth of their fire. Their musique fills us with Faith.

VEHUEL's musique is Royal... Regal. The piece starts somber and drives us toward a Light ending ~ reminding us that even a Goddess can dance like a faery.

Nov. 28 to Dec. 2
5 to 10 º Sagittarius


DANIEL, the 2nd Angel of Sagittarius, (5°- 10°) watches over those born around November 28 - December 2.

DANIEL is a Fire Angel who belongs to the Choir of Principalities in the hierarchy of Netzach and who works with the forces of Binah in the Sephirotic Tree.

DANIEL is an Angel of Divine Clarity. She inspires the undecided with the Mercy of God.

Fabien Maman's musique of DANIEL follows his Sagittarius Angel theme. Sagittarius Angels have determination and inner steadiness. We feel the depth of their fire. Their musique fills us with Faith.

DANIEL's musique starts softly like a memory. Then it flutters and trills ~ Light and airy. Her musique fills us with Hope and Love.

December 3 to 7
10°- 15° Sagittarius


HAHASIAH, the 3rd Angel of Sagittarius, (10°- 15°) watches over those born around December 3-7.

HAHASIAH is a Fire Angel who belongs to the Choir of Principalities in the hierarchy of Netzach and who works with the forces of Hesed in the Sephirotic Tree.

HAHASIAH is an Angel of Divine Energy. She helps us to discover the Mysteries of Wisdom.

Fabien Maman's musique of HAHASIAH follows his Sagittarius Angel theme. Sagittarius Angels have determination and inner steadiness. We feel the depth of their fire. Their musique fills us with Faith.

HAHASIAH's musique starts softly. Her melody is child-like - laughing in the sunLight. Playful! We feel her Lightness of Being!

December 8 to 12
15 to 20º Sagittarius


IMAMIAH, the 4th Angel of Sagittarius, (15°- 20°) watches over those born around December 8-12.

IMAMIAH is a Fire Angel who belongs to the Choir of Principalities in the hierarchy of Netzach and who works with the forces of Geburah in the Sephirotic Tree.

IMAMIAH is an Angel of Transmutation. A world collapses so that new life can begin.

Fabien Maman's musique of IMAMIAH follows his Sagittarius Angel theme. Sagittarius Angels have determination and inner steadiness. We feel the depth of their fire. Their musique fills us with Faith.

IMAMIAH's musique flies! Softly she fills us with Light and Sparkle, Hope and Joy.

December 13 to 16
20 to 25º Sagittarius


NANAEL, the 5th Angel of Sagittarius, (20°- 30°) watches over those born around December 13-16.

NANAEL is a Fire Angel who belongs to the Choir of Principalities in the hierarchy of Netzach and who works with the forces of Tiferet in the Sephirotic Tree.

NANAEL is an Angel of Inner Research. She guides to the Light within.

Fabien Maman's musique of NANAEL follows his Sagittarius Angel theme. Sagittarius Angels have determination and inner steadiness. We feel the depth of their fire. Their musique fills us with Faith.

NANAEL's musique lifts one by one the veils of the unknown with bursting harmonies. Then she meanders through the planetary aspects and flies over the mode of her theme song. We end sparkly and joyful, filled with inner peace.

December 17 to 21
25 to 30º Sagittarius


NITHAEL, the 6th Angel of Sagittarius, (25°- 30°) watches over those born around Dec 17-21.

NITHAEL is an Angel who belongs to the Choir of Principalities in the hierarchy of Netzach and who also works with the forces of Netzach in the Sephirotic Tree.

NITHAEL is Angel of the Winter Soulstice.

Noble... Resilient... Eloquent...
our darkest hour.

December 22 to 26
0 to 5 º Capricorn


MEBAHIAH, the 1st Angel of Capricorn, (0°- 5°) watches over those born around December 22-26.

MEBAHIAH is an Earth Angel who belongs to the Choir of Principalities in the hierarchy of Netzach and who works with the forces of Hod in the Sephirotic Tree.

MEBAHIAH is an Angel of Actualization. She is a Cosmic Reservoir of Spirituality.

Fabien Maman's musique of MEBAHIAH introduces his Capricorn Angel theme. Capricorn Angel musique gives us a wake up call to straighten up our mission in a structured. The musique might seem a bit rigid at times, but can be translated through dissonance into harmony. There is a steady support with the left hand drone that keeps us true to our Path.

MEBAHIAH's musique begins slow and determined with a golden touch. We remember times gone by. There is a child-like answer toward the future - which slowly melts into one piece of Unity.

December 27 to 31
5 to 10 º Capricorn


POYEL is an Earth Angel who belongs to the Choir of Principalities in the hierarchy of Netzach and who works with the forces of Yesod in the Sephirotic Tree.

POYEL is an Angel of Spiritual Alchemy. She supports the Foundation of the Universe.

Fabien Maman's musique of POYEL follows his Capricorn Angel theme. Capricorn Angel musique gives us a wake up call to straighten up our mission in a structured. The musique might seem a bit rigid at times, but can be translated through dissonance into harmony. There is a steady support with the left hand drone that keeps us true to our Path.

POYEL's musique starts with dissonance. She states who she is and that she is not afraid of conflict. Slowly she finds her Mission ~ transforming all dissonance with rhythm and harmony.

January 1 to 5
10 to 15 º Capricorn


NEMAMIAH, the 3rd Angel of Capricorn, (10°- 15°) watches over those born around January 1-5.

NEMAMIAH is an Earth Angel who belongs to the Choir of Archangels in the hierarchy of Hod and who works with the forces of Hokhmah in the Sephirotic Tree.

NEMAMIAH is an Angel of Right Action. She helps those who fight for a just cause.

Fabien Maman's musique of NEMAMIAH follows his Capricorn Angel theme. Capricorn Angel musique gives us a wake up call to straighten up our mission in a structured. The musique might seem a bit rigid at times, but can be translated through dissonance into harmony. There is a steady support with the left hand drone that keeps us true to our Path.

NEMAMIAH's musique follows a particular configuration of Capricornian energy shared between structure and "dissonant warning" to keep the individual alert and on point with the reality of life.

January 6 to 10
15 to 20 º Capricorn


YEIALEL, the 4th Angel of Capricorn, (15°- 20°) watches over those born around January 6-10.

YEIALEL is an Earth Angel who belongs to the Choir of Archangels in the hierarchy of Hod and who works with the forces of Binah in the Sephirotic Tree.

YEIALEL is an Angel of Listening. She helps us to understand the Invisible World.

Fabien Maman's musique of YEIALEL follows his Capricorn Angel theme. Capricorn Angel musique gives us a wake up call to straighten up our mission in a structured. The musique might seem a bit rigid at times, but can be translated through dissonance into harmony. There is a steady support with the left hand drone that keeps us true to our Path.

YEIALEL's musique is particularly soft for a Capricorn. She starts tentatively, sidestepping dissonance ~ unfolding like a giant bird ~ shaking off the past ~ only to arrive where we are in the present ~ to dream again of the past. This is a beautiful, circular meditation.

January 11 to 15
20 to 25 º Capricorn


HARAEL, the 5th Angel of Capricorn, (20°- 25°) watches over those born around January 11-15.

HARAEL is an Earth Angel who belongs to the Choir of Archangels in the hierarchy of Hod and who works with the forces of Hesed in the Sephirotic Tree.

HARAEL is an Angel who knows all things. She reveals the unknown Dream of God.

Fabien Maman's musique of HARAEL follows his Capricorn Angel theme. Capricorn Angel musique gives us a wake up call to straighten up our mission in a structured. The musique might seem a bit rigid at times, but can be translated through dissonance into harmony. There is a steady support with the left hand drone that keeps us true to our Path.

HARAEL's musique has a gracious fluidity as she dances with the dissonances of the Capricorn. She flies like a dream, crashing through the notes that don't match with her song. She is a Guardian of Truth ~ and in the end, finds harmony in her dance.

January 16 to 20
25 to 30 º Capricorn


MITZRAEL, the 6th Angel of Capricorn, (25°- 30°) watches over those born around January 16-20.

MITZRAEL is an Earth Angel who belongs to the Choir of Archangels in the hierarchy of Hod and who works with the forces of Geburah in the Sephirotic Tree.

MITZRAEL is an Angel of Spiritual Transformation. We rise beyond the physical and achieve freedom!

Fabien Maman's musique of MITZRAEL follows his Capricorn Angel theme. Capricorn Angel musique gives us a wake up call to straighten up our mission in a structured. The musique might seem a bit rigid at times, but can be translated through dissonance into harmony. There is a steady support with the left hand drone that keeps us true to our Path.

MITZRAEL'S musique has a free form of expression. She takes us to a place between hope and obligation ~ dissonance and re-alignment ofour final goal of incarnation. The afternoon Sun comes in and out of this piece, to play with the musique and with Fabien!

January 21 to 25
0 to 5 º Aquarius


UMABEL, the 1st Angel of Aquarius, (0°- 5°) watches over those born around January 21-25.

UMABEL is an Air Angel who belongs to the Choir of Archangels in the hierarchy of Hod and who works with the forces of Tiferet in the Sephirotic Tree.

UMABEL is an Angel of Enlightened Consciousness. She awakens within us the seed of all Light.

Fabien Maman's musique of UMABEL introduces his Aquarius Angel theme. Aquarius Angel musique is intense. There is an explosive power that is not fully expressed, because if it were, there would be the capacity to destroy. Fabien's Aquarius Angel musique has a fair amount of dissonance as he "brooms the field" of all that is no longer needed. Aquarius takes us back to the Source of all Light ~ and to reach this sacred garden, we must be Pure.

UMABEL's musique begins with a brooding intensity. She progresses slowly like a river from an ancient source. We feel different currents of memory in the dissonance of the presence. Regal... Oriental... UMABEL drives us to our Source.

January 26 to 30
5 to 10 º Aquarius


IAH-HEL, the 2nd Angel of Aquarius, (5°- 10°) watches over those born around January 26-30.

IAH-HEL is an Air Angel who belongs to the Choir of Archangels in the hierarchy of Hod and who works with the forces of Netzach in the Sephirotic Tree.

IAH-HEL is an Angel of Knowledge and Love. She guides us toward transcendence.

Fabien Maman's musique of IAH-HEL follows his Aquarius Angel theme. Aquarius Angel musique is multi-dimensional, eccentric and creative! There is also a hidden intensity that is not fully expressed, because if it were, there would be the capacity to destroy. Sometimes the Aquarian power is hidden behind spiraling themes of multiple colors that take us to the sky.

With the flowering trees outside our window, listening, IAH-HEL's musique starts strong and extends her harmony joyfully and faeric - spiraling up to the sky!

Jan 31 to February 4
10 to 15 º Aquarius


ANAUEL the 3rd Angel of Aquarius, (10°- 15°) watches over those born around January 31 - February 4.

ANAUEL is an Air Angel who belongs to the Choir of Archangels in the hierarchy of Hod and who also works with the forces of Hod in the Sephirotic Tree.

ANAUEL is an Angel of Goodness. She leads us to the Source of Light.

Fabien Maman's musique of ANAUEL follows his Aquarius Angel theme. Aquarius Angel musique is multi-dimensional, eccentric and creative! There is a hidden intensity that is not fully expressed, because if it were, there would be the capacity to destroy. Sometimes the Aquarian power is hidden behind spiraling themes of multiple colors that take us to the sky.

ANAUEL's musique paints an Oriental landscape filled with dissonance. Eccentric and somewhat erratic, her musique follows an unfoldment of her chart that breaks us free of all rules. She keeps us alert and forces us to revisit who we are as a Spiritual Being.

February 5 to 9
15 to 20 º Aquarius


MEHIEL the 4th Angel of Aquarius, (15°- 20°) watches over those born around February 5-9.

MEHIEL is an Air Angel who belongs to the Choir of Archangels in the hierarchy of Hod and who works with the forces of Yesod in the Sephirotic Tree.

MEHIEL is an Angel of Creative Radiance. She inspires artists to express the Light.

Fabien Maman's musique of MEHIEL follows his Aquarius Angel theme. Aquarius Angel musique is multi-dimensional, eccentric and creative! There is a hidden intensity that is not fully expressed, because if it were, there would be the capacity to destroy. Sometimes the Aquarian power is hidden behind spiraling themes of multiple colors that take us to the sky.

MEHIEL's musique starts softly. She is meditative. Internal. As her story starts to unfold, she takes us to different realms of our memory to discover a secret garden on top of a tree. We become joyful again like a little kid!

February 10 to 14
20 to 25 º Aquarius


DAMABIAH, the 5th Angel of Aquarius, (20°- 25°) watches over those born around February 10-14.

DAMABIAH is an Air Angel who belongs to the Choir of Angels in the hierarchy of Yesod and who works with the forces of Hokhmah in the Sephirotic Tree.

DAMABIAH is an Angel of Wisdom. She inspires us to see the Divine Spark in us all.

Fabien Maman's musique of DAMABIAH follows his Aquarius Angel theme. Aquarius Angel musique is multi-dimensional, eccentric and creative! There is a hidden intensity that is not fully expressed, because if it were, there would be the capacity to destroy. Sometimes the Aquarian power is hidden behind spiraling themes of multiple colors that take us to the sky.

DAMABIAH's musique starts gently like a lullabye with sparkly dissonant notes sprinkled here and there. She starts to reveal herself as a vibrant force of creativity. She alternates dissonance with rhythm as we feel her life force rise us up to the sky!

February 15 to 19
25 to 30 º Aquarius


MANAKEL the 6th Angel of Aquarius, (25°- 30°) watches over those born around February 15-19.

MANAKEL is an Air Angel who belongs to the Choir of Angels in the hierarchy of Yesod and who works with the forces of Binah in the Sephirotic Tree.

MANAKEL is an Angel of Transformation. She inspires change in all directions.

Fabien Maman's musique of MANAKEL follows his Aquarius Angel theme. Aquarius Angel musique is multi-dimensional, eccentric and creative! There is a hidden intensity that is not fully expressed, because if it were, there would be the capacity to destroy. Sometimes the Aquarian power is hidden behind spiraling themes of multiple colors that take us to the sky.

MANAKEL's musique starts softly, bumping around the different notes which shape her energy. There is some sharp dissonance that shifts quickly to Harmony in order to pass the right message. There is something we know and that forces us to discover a new aspect of this Angel. She is very faithful to the Aquarian surprising energy!

February 20 to 24
- 0 to 5 º Pisces


AYAEL the 1st Angel of Pisces, (0°- 5°) watches over those born around February 20-24.

AYAEL is a Water Angel who belongs to the Choir of Angels in the hierarchy of Yesod and who works with the forces of Hesed in the Sephirotic Tree.

AYAEL is an Angel of Presence. She helps us to appreciate each moment.

Fabien Maman's musique of AYAEL introduces his Pisces Angel theme. Pisces Angel musique is soft and gentle like rain drops sliding down a sunset. There is a peaceful breath in their musique. Dissonance is few. Harmony is enchanting.

AYAEL's musique translates the softness of the Pisces sign. She echoes the tenderness of this energy of wisdom. It's like we already know this melody from before... It answers our ancestral question ~ where do I come from? AYAEL reminds us that we already know...

February 25 to 29
5 to 10 º Pisces


HABUHIAH the 2nd Angel of Pisces, (5°- 10°) watches over those born around February 25-29.

HABUHIAH is a Water Angel who belongs to the Choir of Angels in the hierarchy of Yesod and who works with the forces of Geburah in the Sephirotic Tree.

HABUHIAH is an Angel of Generosity. We receive the Love of God and pass it on.

Fabien Maman's musique of HABUHIAH follows his Pisces Angel theme. Pisces Angel musique is soft and gentle like rain drops sliding down a sunset. There is a peaceful breath in their musique. Dissonance is few. Harmony is enchanting.

HABUHIAH's musique discovers the softness of her innate intelligence. Her musique guides us to a way we know without knowing. Eyes closed we can follow the meanders she offers with her melodic design. Every gentle harmony takes us to a place of dreams... as it takes us back to reality.

March 1 to 5
10 to 15 º Pisces


ROCHEL the 3rd Angel of Pisces, (10°- 15°) watches over those born around March 1-5.

ROCHEL is a Water Angel who belongs to the Choir of Angels in the hierarchy of Yesod and who works with the forces of Tiferet in the Sephirotic Tree.

ROCHEL is an Angel of Luminosity. She makes visible all Cosmic Memory.

Fabien Maman's musique of ROCHEL follows his Pisces Angel theme. Pisces Angel musique is soft and gentle like rain drops sliding down a sunset. There is a peaceful breath in their musique. Dissonance is few. Harmony is enchanting.

ROCHEL's musique takes us to hidden memories and harmony. We don't know if we have been there or if it's now in the present that we hear it... Strange resonance-like scales emerge like a wave coming from under the ocean... from another time... At the same time the resonance of the musique wakes us up to who we are.

March 6 to 10
15 to 20 º Pisces


YABAMIAH the 4th Angel of Pisces, (15°- 20°) watches over those born around March 6-10.

YABAMIAH is a Water Angel who belongs to the Choir of Angels in the hierarchy of Yesod and who works with the forces of Netzach in the Sephirotic Tree.

YABAMIAH is an Angel of Harmony. She restores the Beauty within each of us.

Fabien Maman's musique of YABAMIAH follows his Pisces Angel theme. Pisces Angel musique is soft and gentle like rain drops sliding down a sunset. There is a peaceful breath in their musique. Dissonance is few. Harmony is enchanting.

YABAMIAH's musique is a call to the past and the future at the same time... We return to our foundation to discover the imminent beauty of the present. The harmony of the chords lift us to a different state of consciousness. We feel that we know it and love to be rocked tenderly through the child-like, soft harmonies... which we recognize as ours...

March 11 to 15
20 to 25º Pisces


HAIIAEL the 5th Angel of Pisces, (20°- 25°) watches over those born around March 11-15.

HAIIAEL is a Water Angel who belongs to the Choir of Angels in the hierarchy of Yesod and who works with the forces of Hod in the Sephirotic Tree.

HAIIAEL is an Angel of Divine Justice. She offers Victory for those who fight for the Light.

Fabien Maman's musique of HAIIAEL follows his Pisces Angel theme. Pisces Angel musique is soft and gentle like rain drops sliding down a sunset. There is a peaceful breath in their musique. Dissonance is few. Harmony is enchanting.

HAIIAEL's musique has harmonies that plunge from the sky into our Crown Chakra - resonating like the Light coming from far. It's like a harmonic history that has gone through all civilization. Our Soul dances in a gentle way, filled with the ambrosia of the Gods.

Close your eyes and discover the resonance that is a deep and tender message... unifying past and present.

March 16 to 20
25 to 30 º Pisces


The Spring Equinox falls on the 20th of March this year, so the Angel is Mumiah, rather than Vehuiah, who is the Angel of March 21st.

MUMIAH the 6th Angel of Pisces, (25°- 30°) watches over those born around March 16-20.

MUMIAH is a Water Angel who belongs to the Choir of Angels in the hierarchy of Yesod and who also works with the forces of Yesod in the Sephirotic Tree.

MUMIAH is an Angel of Healing and Longevity. She helps us to clear all the negative from this past year!

Fabien Maman's musique of MUMIAH has NO dissonance! She is lyric and light! almost folkloric - tripping along happily with the effervescence of spring green!