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Terres Unsoeld's

Master Guide Terres Unsoeld's Shamanique Journey in the Swiss Alps® - photo ©Tama-Do Academy 2018'
Shamanique Journey in the Swiss Alps
Photo copyright Tama-Do Academy 2018

Tama-Do means “The Way of the Soul”, a journey toward Pure Light and love, wonder and joy. To help us along our way, Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld created a series of Shamanique Journeys which expand our consciousness through physical, spiritual and cosmic exploration.

She calls this subtle approach to the vibrational realm
~ Shamanism of the Light® ~
for it is the Light from whence we came,
and where, as Souls, we are going.

Terres Unsoeld's Shamanique Journeys of Light® have been crafted to follow the first 3 levels of incarnation according to the Sephirotic Tree.

The first level, Faery Ventures in the Swiss Alps, is linked to Malkuth, our incarnation on Mother Earth. We re-source and express our inner Light with the faeries, flowers, devas and trees in the Heart of Nature.

The second level, Remembering our Roots in the UK, is linked to Yesod, the moon, our foundation of the Universe. We practice Light memories in the energy field of our Soul amongst the Master Trees and Standing Stones during the Full Moon of Wesak.

The third level, Empowering our Warrior of the Light in Scotland, is linked to Tiferet, the sun, the place of Spiritual incarnation. We empower our Noble Warrior Way of the Soul as we commit to the Light in the presence of the Master Stars and Trees, Stones and Sea.

Our Shamanic Journeys create the opportunity to reach far beyond our selves. In the heart of Nature we invite each student to join a sacred circle created by the group, so that the finer vibrations of wonder and joy may flourish. Our teachings have been passed down from a Masters’ Lineage with love and care. We practice respect for the teachings, the teachers and the group. All expectation is left at the door so that we may enter with open hearts and open mind.

Tama-Do, The Way of the Soul to the Light ~ it’s a beautiful journey which is never finished.

Faery Ventures in the Swiss Alps!®

Faery Magique from Terres Unsoeld's Initiatique movie : A Noble Hero's Journey to the Light®- photo ©Tama-Do Academy 2018'
Photo from Terres Unsoeld's movie Faery Magique: A Noble Hero's Journey to the Light®
Photo copyright Tama-Do Academy 2018

Re-Sourcing and Expressing our Inner Light
in the Heart of Nature

Terres Unsoeld begins her Shamanique Journeys of Light® in the Swiss Alps, with the Faeries, Flowers and Devas in the Heart of Nature. In the Sephirotique Tree, this is Malkhut, Heaven on Earth. This is a Journey of pure joy and Light!

We sing and dance with the devas of Nature... the faeries and elves, flowers and trees... We plunge into the icy cascades, fly from a mountain top and feel the loving arms of Mother Earth in Sacred Druidic rituals of water, wood, earth and sky. We hike through moor and mountain, forest and fountain... we may experience Dragons along the way...!

Switzerland is the passageway for the legendary Druid caravans, the ancient ones, descendents of the children of Llyr and the Tuatha Dé Danaan ~ who came before from the Great mother and father in the sky. Here, the Rainbow Rays of Color will help us to channel our Higher Source. The Master Stars will help us to know where we are in the Universe... to the time when all was possible... and imprint the memories of Light in our future... in the heart of the Nature of the Swiss Alps.

Be prepared to be happy! Be prepared to look within your Self – deeply. Be prepared to express your Soul radiance to Earth and Sky!

In this two-week Shamanique Journey in the Heart of the Swiss Alps, Terres Unsoeld will teach the healing powers of the Devas of Nature... the faeries and elves, flowers and trees... and how to call them with their personal song. We will tune with the Light, so that we can commune with the wonderful creatures of the Faery World. We will be initiated in the Sacred rituals of water, wood, earth, fire and sky. In Sacred Circle, we will practice receiving (channeling) – as well as giving back to the group and to the Universe. We will be introduced to Terres Unsoeld's Noble Hero's Journey® - and find our way with our Tree Astrology, which maps out our 8 Stages of Life in our zodiaque, and links our Initiatique Rites of Passage with the 8 Power Dates, Master Trees and Stars of Tama-Do.

This Shamanique is about re-sourcing our Selves and expressing our Soul
through Group and Self exploration.
We will drink from the Nature the elixir of Life...
to return to our lives refreshed, rejuvenated, re-confirmed and reborn!

Click here for more information on Faery Ventures in the Swiss Alps!
Click here for Photos from the Field

Master Guide Terres Unsoeld's Shamanique Journey in the Swiss Alps®- photo ©Tama-Do Academy 2018'
Shamanique Journey in the Swiss Alps
Photo copyright Tama-Do Academy 2018

Remembering our Roots in the UK

Master Oak photo by Terres Unsoeld from her book, Initiatique Trees of the Light- ©Tama-Do Academy 2018'
Master Oak photo by Terres Unsoeld from her book, Initiatique Trees of the Light
Photo copyright Tama-Do Academy 2018

In Search of the Ancestors
in the land of the Master Trees and Standing Stones
during the Full Moon of Wesak

“We are of this land ~ but we do not know this land
.... We are of this time ~ but we do not know this time...

Our roots lie deep within the Celtic soil, but the soles of our feet have yet to feel her loving touch...

In childhood we read all the stories of Merlin and Arthur and
the Mists of Avalon... and in our dreams we flew with the faeries and dragons beyond all that we know.... Home.

We went Home... but do we remember... ?

We played in the branches and roots of the trees in our back yard, but do we remember the Songs of the Grand Masters of Time...?

Come Home. Come Home again... to all who you are.”

Terres Unsoeld

Terres Unsoeld's second Shamanique Journey of the Light® is in the UK with the Master Trees and standing stones. In the Sephirotique Tree, this is Yesod, the Foundation of the Universe. This is a Journey deep within.

We take travel back to a time from whence we came ~ to remember who we are.

The Master Trees are the Ancient ones who retain the Song of Creation within their massive trunks. We shall give thanks to the mighty ones, before they are no more...

Faeries are Beings of Light who live in the color-filled energy fields of flowers & trees. We shall dance and sing in their faery rings, celebrating the dawn of Spring, when Life is full of hope and promise, and the Hawthorne and Bluebells bloom across the land...

The stones stand watch over Time. They are Masters of Light... portals through which we can pass to a time not yet written upon this Land. We shall stand before them... and ask to be received...

This is a journey to remember our place in the great tapestry of Earth & Sky.

Welcome Home.

In this Shamanic Journey in the UK, Terres Unsoeld takes us on a 12 day pilgrimage. She introduces us to the magical properties of more than 40 trees from her book, Initiatique Trees of the Light. We travel by car through one of the most magical areas of southwestern UK ~ through an ancient forest, across the Salisbury Plain to Cornwall and the Sea ~ and then back to London/Heathrow. We follow the path of the Master Trees of the Sacred Tree Oracle. With the Full Moon of Wesak lighting our way, we contact the Masters of Light. We seek our roots at Avebury; under the Hawthorn Tree at Glastonbury Tor, Tintagel Castle and Stonehenge. We sing to the trees and to the faeries – to the earth and sky – and bathe in the beauty of Beltain – with its rejuvenating abundance of bluebells, apple blossoms and sea pinks ! We work with the Great Invocation to give Light to Humanity for the next 12 months.

Stonehenge photo from Terres Unsoeld's Initiatique movie : A Noble Hero's Journey to the Light®- photo ©Tama-Do Academy 2018'
Photo from Terres Unsoeld's movie Master's Path: A Noble Hero's Journey to the Light®
Photo copyright Tama-Do Academy 2018

Click here for Photos from the Field

Empowering our Noble Warrior in Scotland

Terres Unsoeld's photo from her book Initiatique Trees of the Light ©Tama-Do Academy 2017'
Photo from Terres Unsoeld's Initiatique Trees of the Light
Photo copyright Tama-Do Academy 2018

Committing to the Light with the Master Stars and Trees,
Stones and Sea during the Full Moon of Lugnasad

Lughnasad, the Celtic Festival of Light, is a time to harvest what we have sown. The nights grow long, allowing time within to meditate on actions taken throughout the year. We empower our Noble Way of the Soul.

Scotland is a deepening and lightening experience. The skies are filled with an ever - present luminous light. Even when it is dark, there is Light. Colors are purple and pink and gold.... heather blooms everywhere,,, sheep roam wildly - offering a soft quality to the land. And in the sky – masses and masses of stars ! big and bright and pulsating in the night sky ! Their energies rain down on you - even during the day.

The land is ancient ~ yet timeless. Callanish standing stones, older than Stonehenge, greet us with a youthful pink and feminine glow.

The great Caledonia Scots pine forest, once covering all of Europe, but decimated by the Vikings, has been replanted. New giants stand regal against the sky – harbingers of hope for a new era.

Shamanic Scotland continues the Journey of Light, which began in Grindelwald with Malkuth – and continued in the UK with Yesod. We now reach to the Sun with Tipharet – the Sephirot of the Masters. Master Stars, Master Trees and Master Stones guide our way ...

Essential to all Light Workers who make their way through the dark – this is a Noble Journey toward the Light.

In this Shamanic Journey in Scotland, we travel with our guide, Terres Unsoeld, who takes us on a 15 day journey from Edinburgh to Lewis Island in the outer Hebrides. By car, we travel to the forests of Perthshire, where we work with the Master Trees of our astrological Soul chart. These trees correspond with the 8 Master Stars of Tama-Do. Among the great trees, we meet the tallest and largest Silver Fir in Europe, the oldest Yew (5000-9000 years old), the Shakespeare Oak from Macbeth, and some of the oldest Scots pines in the Caledonia Forest . We leave Perthshire and head west, traversing Loch Lomond and then through a beautiful road to Isle of Skye, famous for its faery glens and dark night skies. We catch a ferry from UIG to the outer Hebrides, leaving behind the land of trees –entering the land of luminous light, heather, sheep, crystal clear turquoise ocean,- pastel colored beaches, violet and gold rays, dolphins, standing stones and stars ! Once on Lewis Island, Terres Unsoeld will help us to deepen the inner work of our Souls as we connect with the stars and standing stones. We will commit to the Light in a sacred Full Moon ceremony at Callanish. We will continue our Goddess training by shooting flaming arrows into the sea! We will explore our asteroids in our astrological chart, as they link with all aspects of the Goddess. Terres Unsoeld will introduce Kore, the Point of Light, as the aspect of Divine power within our charts – to help us to shine like the Sun – inspiring others on their Way of the Soul to the Light!

Snowdonia Heather photo by Tracie Storey in Terres Unsoeld's photo from her book Initiatique Trees of the Light ©Tama-Do Academy 2017'
Snowdonia Heather photo by Tracie Storey

Click here for Photos from the Field