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The Tama-Do Academy Practitioner Certification Program consists of Level I and Level II Training (210 hours), Practice Protocol (50 Practice Sessions) and Level I Review and Test. Training is 5 weeks worth of material spread over 1-2 years.

Upon graduation, students become Tama-Do Certified Practitioners. They are certified as Sound Healing, Color Therapy and Chi Movement Therapy Practitioners.

TAMA-DO COLOR THERAPY CERTIFICATES announce to the world that, as a Tama-Do Certified Practitioner, you are fully trained in Tama-Do Academy's Color Therapy techniques, using our exceptionally beautiful color tools, including the Color Light Wheel®, Faery Essences® and Rainbow Color Silks®.

This profound body of work, Divinely inspired, yet grounded in Fabien Maman's Cellular Research and Work on Energy Fields (auras), offers a map for the subtle energies of color - from Star to Cell. Honoring the classical traditions of Alice Bailey and the 7 Rays, Vicky Wall, Peter Deunov, the Kabballah, Chinese Medicine and Healing Astrology, Tama-Do Academy offers the most complete and in-depth training in Color Therapy - from the Spiritual to the Physical - existing today.