Tama-Do Academy Logo

Tama-Do Practitioner
Professional Certification Program

A Professional Training Program in Sound Healing, Color Therapy and Chi Movement®

Tama-Do Academy offers a transformational Professional Certification Training Program in Sound Healing, Color Therapy and Tao Yin Fa Qi Gong® (Level I) followed by the ancient Initiatique Mystery Teachings of the Light® received by Fabien Maman and Terres Unsoeld (Level II).

Students undertake 210 hours of training, consisting of:

Level I (Sound, Color and Movement)

9 Level I courses which take:
3 weeks to complete on Zoom;
or 2 weeks to complete during the Summer Intensive in Switzerland

Level II (The Way of the Soul)

3 weeks to complete on Zoom;
or 2 weeks to complete during the Summer Intensive in Switzerland

Practice Protocol, Level I Review and Test

Our advanced work culminates in three Shamanique Journeys of the Light®, created by Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld, offering Sacred Initiations in the Heart of Nature.

1) Tama-Do Professional Certification Training Program - Level I

Level I consists of 9 non invasive techniques in Sound Healing, Color Therapy and Tao Yin Fa Qi Gong Movement® to ground the Soul in the daily life.

Level I courses include:

  • Tama-Do Sound Harmonization® (Harmonizing the Chakras and Aura with elemental and acoustic instruments around the body®)
  • T.E.P.® (Touch technique with sound and color®)
  • Musical Spine® (Tuning Forks and Color down the spine®)
  • Shu Points (Tuning Forks and Color Light on Acupuncture Command Points and Assessment®)
  • Temperaments of the Soul
  • Ethics of the Soul
  • Color I (Accessing the Way of the Soul through Color®)
  • Color II (Color therapy with Faery Essences®, Rainbow Color Silks® and Color Light Wheel®)
  • Tao Yin Fa® Series I & II® and Zhi Neng Qi Gong (Qi gong of the Light®)
  • 8 Qi Mo (Tuning Forks and Color Light on the 8 Extraordinary Meridians®)
  • Tama-Do Seasonal Harmonizing Concert®
  • Level I Review and Test®

All registered courses (®) are created by Fabien Maman and Terres Unsoeld and the exclusive property of Tama-Do Academy.

Each technique, grounded in the classical traditions of music, mathematics, astrology and Chinese medicine, has been researched and developed by Fabien Maman and Terres Unsoeld over a course of nearly 40 years.

Click here for our Level I Course Descriptions

2) Tama-Do Professional Certification Training Program Level II

Level II consists of the ancient Initiatique Mystery Teachings of the Light received by Fabien Maman and Terres Unsoeld.

The Level II Courses include:

  • Channeling the Light through the 3 Crystalline Ethers of the Head® by Fabien Maman
  • Fabien Maman's Etheric Chart of Divination®
  • Sound and Color in the Energy Field
  • The Cycles of Time
  • Energy Field of the Soul ~ Astrology based on classic and Initiatique tradition
  • Activating our Celtic Power Date with Sound and Color®
  • Channeling the 8 Sacred Stars of Tama-Do®
  • Fabien Maman's Qi Gong of the Light®: Tao Yin Fa Series I®-II®- III®- IV®-V® and Zhineng Qi Gong
  • Sound and Celestial Acupuncture: Fabien Maman's Law of the Eight Elements®
  • Kototama, the Ancient Language of Light as arranged by Fabien Maman®
  • Mantras, Meditation and Prayer ~ Activating the Light Within®
  • The Ethics of a Spiritual Life in Tama-Do Academy®
  • The Sephirotic Tree
  • The Sephirotic Tree with Terres Unsoeld's Noble Hero's Journey to the Light®
  • Fabien Maman's Fundamental Movement of the Soul®
  • Fabien Maman's Fundamental Sound of the Soul®
  • Tama-Do Seasonal Harmonizing Concert®

All registered courses (®) are created by Fabien Maman and Terres Unsoeld and the exclusive property of Tama-Do Academy.

Click here for our Level II Course Descriptions

Levels I and II are required to become a Professional Tama-Do Certified Practitioner®.


The Tama-Do Logo appears on all things Tama-Do, to convey alignment with the Tama-Do mission.

Tama-Do Academy logo ©1988

Tama-Do Academy Mission Statement

“Tama-Do (“Way of the Soul”), The Academy of Sound, Color and Movement®, founded in 1988 by Visionary Fabien Maman, the founding father of vibrational sound therapy (Webster’s Dictionary), is dedicated to the evolution of Human Consciousness through research, teachings and creative Soul-expression. We are an international community of Energy Practitioners of the Light.

Tama-Do means "the Way of the Soul to the Light." We honor and practice the Light above all else. We use Energy Work, Spiritual Practice and Self Knowledge to receive the Light and pass it on to others.

The Tama-Do name and emblem appear on all Tama-Do books, recordings, websites and other publications, assuring the reader that the work originates with the Academy established by Fabien Maman and Terres Unsoeld, and faithfully conveys the integrity of their teachings and preserves the purity and integrity of the Tama-Do work and mission for future generations.”

Because we certify through our Tama-Do logo, that all books, recordings and other publications; as well as all teachings and techniques used in our Academy have been researched and created by Fabien Maman and Terres Unsoeld, with roots in our Masters Lineage, we ask that all students honor our Tama-Do Ethos.

All Tama-Do Students must sign three moral, ethical and legal contracts with Tama-Do Academy in order to protect the purity and integrity of the Tama-Do Teachings and Mission for future generations.

Click here for our Tama-Do Code of Ethics and Conduct
Click here for our Tama-Do Contract and Registration Form
Click here for our Tama-Do RSVP Contract

It is required that these three documents are signed in good faith and with good understanding in order to become a Professional Tama-Do Certified Practitioner® Candidate.


To become a Certified Tama-Do Practitioner, students must fulfill the following requirements:

  • ____Take all 9 Level I Courses.
  • ____Take the Level I Review and Tama-Do Ethics Courses.
  • ____ Hand in 50 client sessions PRIOR to the Level I Test.
  • ____ Successfully pass the Level I Test.
  • ____Take Level II Summer Intensive.
  • ____ Sign the Tama-Do Student Code of Ethics and Conduct, Level I and II RSVP Contracts and Level I and II Registration forms.
  • ____ Fulfill the Tama-Do Practice Protocol PRIOR to the Level I Review and Test and Level II. (see below)

Tama-Do Practitioner Practice Protocol

  • Practice the Tao Yin Fa® or Zhi Neng Qi Gong every day.
  • Deepen ones understanding of the Tama-Do Teachings and Techniques by studying the Tama-Do books by Fabien Maman: The Tao of Sound and Musique of the Sky; and Terres Unsoeld: Accessing the Way of the Soul through Color, Shamanism of the Light, Initiatique Trees of the Light - as The Noble Hero's Journey to the Light - 8 movies of inspirational/spiritual teachings of the Light.
  • Be “in the field” of the Tama-Do work. Embrace compassion, understanding and good will in ones daily practice. Be open and willing to learn.
  • Be “on the path” of the Higher Consciousness, which is necessary to further the vibrational work of the Academy... This means furthering self awareness through additional practice such as Qi Gong, Tai Chi, meditation, reading, music, art, etc...
  • Practice Aikido of Life. Be Light.

Maintaining Practitioner Status:

Certified Tama-Do Practitioners are required to return once a year to a Tama-Do Training, Master Class or a Shamanic Journey of Light to remain "in-tune" with the Tama-Do vibration.

Please note:

Tama-Do reserves the right to change the curriculum at any time – to evolve as the consciousness of the people changes.

Tama-Do reserves the exclusive right to accept or reject the qualifications of any student to participate in any Tama-Do class, workshop, etc. Tama-Do further reserves the right, at any time, to rescind the participation of any student. Tama-Do further reserves the right, at any time, to rescind the participation of any student in a class, workshop, etc, with no refund, if the student is disruptive to the energy of the Teacher, the Teachings or the Sacred Circle of the Group.

Students must be clean and sober (alcohol, tobacco, recreational drugs and hallucinogenic plants) 3 months before a Tama-Do Training and during the entire course of the training - day and night - or they will be expelled immediately with no refund. Thank you to honor the energy field.


Upon completion of Levels I and II, and successful completion of the Practice Protocol, Level I Review and Test, students participate in a Tama-Do Practitioner Graduation Ceremony where they pledge to uphold the Tama-Do Practitioner Code of Conduct and become Certified Tama-Do Practitioners.

They are given certificates in Sound Healing, Color Therapy and Qi Gong Movement Therapy – Tao Yin Fa.