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32 years of providing
Sound Healing, Color Therapy and Chi Movement for the Soul!


Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's Rainbow Color Silks® harmonize the chakras and subtle energy fields (aura)
Terres Unsoeld's Rainbow Color Silks®
photo copyright Tama-Do Academy 2018

Faery Shaman and Color Sensitive Terres Unsoeld, Master Teacher of Tama-Do Academy, has collected 20 Rainbow Color Silks.

Terres Unsoeld's Rainbow Color Silks® are used for chakra and subtle field balancing, color meditations and accessing ones Soul's Potentials. Silk is a noble material which carries color in the finest vibration, yet is still linked to matter. Organically, silk represents the process of transformation. The silk worm eats matter and spins it into light.

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's Pack of 10 Rainbow Color Scarves are sewn from the finest of silk and matching the energetic frequencies of the Tama-Do Color Light Wheel®. (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Turquoise, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Magenta and White)

We also offer additional colors in Pink, Lavender, Deep Violet, Peacock, Coral, Baby Blue, Spring Green, Lineage, Spiritual Heritage and Starlight.

Each scarf is 75" long (over 6 feet). These brilliant colors are an integral part of Tama-Do Academy's Sound Healing, Color Therapy and Chi Movement® techniques.


Terres Unsoeld's Rainbow Color Silks®
(Pack of 10)

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's RED RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Root Chakra. Spirit of Life. Grounding in Mother Earth

Root Chakra. Spirit of Life. Grounding in Mother Earth

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's ORANGE RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Tantien. Grounding in our physical body. Health and Vitality. JOY!

Tantien. Grounding in our physical body. Health and vitality. Joy!

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's YELLOW RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Solar Plexus. Inner radiance. Shine like the Sun!

Solar Plexus. Inner radiance. The Sun. Divine Intelligence.

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's GREEN RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Heart Chakra. Spirit of Evolution. Space. Hope. New Life.

Heart Chakra.. Spirit of Evolution. Space. Hope. New Life.

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's TURQUOISE RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Thymus Chakra. Spirit of Transmutation. Aquarian Age.

Thymus Chakra. Spirit of Transmutation. Aquarian Age.

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's BLUE RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Throat Chakra. Spirit of Truth. Central Axis. Divine masculine

Throat Chakra. Spirit of Truth. Central Axis. Divine Masculine.

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's INDIGO RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - 3rd eye. Spirit of Deep Peace. Knowing our place in the Universe

3rd Eye. Spirit of Deep Peace. Knowing our place in the Universe.

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's VIOLET RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Crown Chakra. Spiritual Truth.

Crown Chakra. Spirit of Divine Consciousness. Inner vision.

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's MAGENTA RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Bindu. Spirit of Divine Feminine. Mary Magdalene energy

Bindu. Spirit of the Divine Feminine. Mary Magdalene energy.

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's WHITE RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Body of Light. Spirit of Purity. Grace

The Body of Light. Spirit of Purity. Grace. Forgiveness.

Additional Color Silks:

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's PINK RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Unconditional love. Love of the Innocent Child

Spirit of Unconditional Love. Love of the Innocent Child.

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's LAVENDER RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Moon energy. Feminine Mysteries

Moon energy. Feminine Mystery

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's DEEPVIOLET RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Cosmic fire. Spiritual Authority
Deep Violet

Cosmic fire. Spiritual Authority. Knowing one’s Spiritual Path.

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's PEACOCK RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Green Turquoise energy to bring liberation and courage to fly free!

Green Turquoise energy to bring liberation and courage to fly free!

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's CORAL RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Combination Pink/Orange, Self love

Combination of Pink/Orange. Self Love.

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's BABY BLUE RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Soft opening. Lightness of Being
Baby Blue

Throat Chakra. Soft opening. Lightness of Being.

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's SPRING GREEN RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Fresh start! New Life! Spring!
Spring Green

Fresh start! New Life! Spring!

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's LINEAGE RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Combination of Red/Magenta. Grounding in your roots

Combination of Red/Magenta. Grounding in your Roots.

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's STARLIGHT RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Gold. Shimmer. Expansion. Cosmic Light

right out of the box


Gold. Shimmer. Expansion. Cosmic Light.

Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld's SPIRITUAL HERITAGE RAINBOW COLOR SILK® - Spiritual roots. Mystical Passion

right out of the box

Spiritual Heritage

Spiritual Roots. Mystical Passion. From where we all began.