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"CD Accessing The Way of the Soul
through Color"

12 CDs of Music, Meditations, Affirmations, Poetry and Self Practice

ACCESSING THE WAY OF THE SOUL THROUGH COLOR - 12 CDs of Music, Meditations, Affirmations, Poetry and Self Practice with Faery Shaman Terres Unsoeld, Sound Master Fabien Maman and French Sensitive Patricia Janusz

more than 6 hours of listening...

This set of 12 Color CDs will guide you to access the Consciousness of each Color.

Red * Orange * Yellow * Green * Turquoise * Blue
Indigo * Violet * Magenta * White * Gold *Pink

In each CD, you will be led on a progression of exercises taking you through the different levels of consciousness, from the physical to the spiritual.

Music * Poetry * Color Concentration * Affirmations
Self Practice * Color Meditation * Master Meditation

"The Divine story is written in the Rainbow of the Sky and imprinted in our DNA.
Everything we know comes from this light. We are just star light.
And because we are divine in nature, we are just beginning to remember...
--Fabien Maman

CD Set


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For shipping in Europe
please contact Carrie Mitchell in the UK: 0 781 403 6314
or email: carrie@carrie-mitchell.co.uk

"Accessing The Way of the Soul through Color" BOOK

"Accessing The Way of the Soul through Color" DVD