Long Distance Sessions:
Song of the Soul: Fabien will connect the planetary sound correspondences in your astrological birth chart, and create your personalized Song of your Soul, which he will play on the piano. You will receive this beautiful tape, which can be used to open to your own ancestral lineage through your very personal Dance of the Soul.
Soul Chart: Fabien will record on tape, your personalized Soul Reading, based on your astrological chart. This is an important piece to have when working with your Soul Song. It helps to place you within your Zodiac...within the Universe...
Soul Chart Companion Tapes: Fabien recorded his introductory lecture to his Master Class workshop: The Dance of the Soul. Within this lecture is a clear description of the spiritual and material meanints of the planets and houses in an astrological chart. These tapes are a beautiful companion to the Soul Chart.
In-Person Sessions:
Fundamental Note: Fabien, who is clairaudiant, has an ability to find your fundamental note. This note is linked with your Dharma and will show you what do you have to accomplish in this life time and the way to do it. This sound is related to your past energy field and with your present life. The unique scale corresponding to your sound is linked with your DNA according with Fabien Maman's research. He will show how to work with it, in order to empower your entire energy field. Watch the website schedule to know when Fabien is teaching in your area. We can then schedule a private session.
Soul Chart Counselling: Once you have received your Soul Chart and Companion Tapes, you can schedule an in-person counselling session with Fabien, to ask questions and seek greater understanding of your Path.
To make an appointment for a session,
please call 310-774-1307 or email: info@tama-do.com